1. They Always Play the Victim
When your friend does something and you know deep down that they're in the wrong, they can easily flip the switch and get you to feel bad for them.
They can play with your emotions and make you suddenly on their side, defending them for something you know is wrong.
They can make it sound like their life is the worst and that you just need to feel bad for them or else you're a bad friend.
2. They Never Apologize
If you have a friend who never apologizes, believes that they are always in the right no matter how hurtful what they said was, or if they merely apologize because it's the "right" thing to do, then that's not only hard on your friendship, but possibly you as well.
These friends can sometimes even get you to feel like you're in the wrong, like you're overreacting for being upset, and then you end up apologizing. Therefore, nothing is resolved and you just end up feeling worse than before.
3. They Criticize You
Some friends say harmful things by accident, but some could say it on purpose, to intentionally make you feel bad about something you did or even simply a personality trait that you have. They will call you out on it, and not feel bad about it.
4. They're Dependent on You
If your friend gets to the point where they're dependent on you for everything, because they know that you'll be there for them, that's when things get tiring. When they constantly ask you to do something for them, even the smallest tasks can get so exhausting, especially when they ask and simply expect you to do it, getting angry if you can't.
Because then, once again, you're the bad guy. It's one thing to do things for each other out of the kindness of your hearts, it's another to do things out of obligation to them, or in fear of them ruining your friendship over something so small.
5. Their Drama Affects You
Usually, when a friend comes to you with a bunch of drama, you sit and listen and give your insight. But, when ALL they talk about is the drama, it begins to affect you and your friendship. It's okay to have a gossip session time and again, lord knows that's what friends are for. But it's also an awful feeling when you begin a day so excited to hang out with your friend, and end the night emotionally exhausted because all they did was talk about their drama.
A lot of this may seem like I'm being selfish, but I think sometimes we have to be. I always try to be there for my friends, no matter how dramatic or crazy, but sometimes it gets too much. Sometimes my mental health is affected by their actions and I need to acknowledge that and get away. And you should too, if you have a friend who constantly has these qualities.
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