Sometimes the person you thought would always be a part of your life stabs you in the back. With no warning, your so-called "bestie" can become a stranger right before your eyes. Here are some warning signs to help you investigate whether a friend is trustworthy or not.
Is your friend a ride or die?
About a year ago I discovered that the person I thought was closest to me, was actually a selfish, back-stabbing, liar. Although my heart was severely damaged, this experience taught me a lot about the warning signs of a fake friend. Take a quick read about what 5 behaviors to look out for before you decide to give a fake friend any more of your time and secrets.
1. You know deep personal things about their other friends
First of all, someone that is so willing to share other peoples private information to you is likely sharing yours to others. Choosing who you share your information with should be done with thoughtful consideration. While you think you're confiding to your bestie about your life struggles, you eventually never know who is going to hear your most darkest secrets and it could get into the wrong hands.
2. They don't value your opinion or feelings
This is one is really important. If you say you are uncomfortable about them doing something, your bestie should not be the one to disregard what you are thinking. I remember how I told my bestie that I felt weird about them going to my ex's party and they went anyway. Big. red. flag. Also, remember that when talking to your friend, they should care about how YOU feel. A friendship is not a one way street. Don't settle for what someone else wants over what you want. Your needs matter too.
3. They only talk about themselves
Oh my god. Thankfully, I am a good listener and become a bit shy when talking about my personal life. However, a true good friend cares about what you are dealing with in life and makes sure to ask about it. Some people can go on and on about themselves....
4. They throw things back in your face
Ever had a horrible experience you are trying to forget or feel insecure about? Well, isn't it nice for your best friend to remind you about it to make you feel down on yourself? No. This isn't a good thing. Making jokes about one's negative experiences is truly damaging and triggering. A good friend wants to help you heal. Only surround yourself with people who bring positivity to your life.
5. If you are succeeding, they aren't really happy for you
My favorite. When you share your good news, they are sure to bring the conversation back to themselves and compare it. Focus on your own path and fill it with those who cheer for you! You have a bright future.
I hope these 5 things can help you detect a fake friend in your life.