So recently I got the game "Pokémon GO" on my phone and I’ve noticed some distressing red flags. I never thought I would be the one constantly checking my phone for WiFi so I can work my way up the levels of this game. I was never super into "Pokémon" – I had played some of the old games on an old Gameboy and maybe watched an episode or two… of course I knew the theme song by heart but so does literally everyone. But I thought hey why not? I missed the Kim Kardashian game craze so I thought I would hop on this bandwagon ASAP before the hype was over. But know this amateur has been sucked into playing this simple interactive game, despite the fact that she’s clearly not very good – a problem for someone who is trying to be the very best, that no one ever was. Nevertheless: red flags…
Your feet are swollen at the end of the day from walking so much
You haven’t been this active in years! Who knew that this is what the outdoors looked like now. Along with getting in shape, you’re also finally getting a sufficient amount of Vitamin D.
You have taken pictures of the stupid flying Pokémon that you can’t seem to capture.
Ugh! Darn Zubat eating up all my pokéballs! Why do you have to be so mobile? Why are you always flying? How am I supposed to hit you in the head? What happens to the pokéballs once you throw them? Why do they disappear? Can’t I just pick them back up? Too. Many. Questions.
You ask your friends to come with you to local landmarks just so you can get more pokéballs
Luckily my friends are happy to oblige but I’m sure I’ll be making plenty of stops to the local statue on my own. But hey, the second you’re out of pokéballs, all the little Pokémon come running to the yard, and it really sucks when you watch the rare ones just come and go. If your friends need extra convincing, I remind them that I might also find an egg or two.
You’re above a level 5
This game came out two days ago people! If you are already on a team, you are not pacing yourself. Just kidding I’m jealous of you because I’m stuck on level 4. But mind you I’ve been playing with WiFi only, which is hard on a "fitness tracker" based game.
You’ve almost ran into people/buildings/etc. because you’re tracking rare Pokémon.
When they’re one paw print away, you can’t dare look up for even a second – what if you miss them!? But also safety is important. Thankfully the game warns you every time you open the app to be aware of your surroundings. But seriously friends – look up.