We've all been there before when we just aren't sure if we are ready to seriously start a relationship with someone or not.
It can be tricky to figure these kinds of things out because sometimes you may like someone a lot but you just aren't sure if you are ready to make it official. So, then you end up dragging things on and people get hurt anyway.
To avoid some of that, then it's easiest if you just decide early on if you are in fact ready for a relationship or not. To help you out, here are10 signs that you just aren't ready for a relationship.
1. Your focused on other aspects of your life
It is totally normal to be busy, but some people just a have a lot in their life going on and if that's you then maybe a relationship isn't the best thing for you at the moment.
Relationships require time and effort and you are too busy with other things in life to make adequate time for it.
Maybe you just got a new job, or bought a new pet, or maybe school is just a lot right now. If you are feeling overwhelmed already by these things, then a relationship could add to your stress.
On the other hand, if you have someone supportive, they may make it easier, but you do need to make sure that you are giving them and the relationship the time that it deserves.
2. You are unhappy with yourself
This one goes with that old saying that goes 'if you can't love your self, how can you love someone else?' because it is totally true!
You need to be able to love who you are and accept you're self for all of your flaws, before you can let someone else love you.
You don't want to put someone else in a situation in which they are in love with you, but you are just so unhappy with yourself that you can't accept that they feel that way about you.
I mean I totally believe that your significant other should hype you up and tell you that you are beautiful/handsome, but if they are saying that and you cant feel that way about your self then maybe you need to take some time for yourself and focus on self-love first.
3. You have poor communication skills
This one is a big one.
If you can't effectively communicate with someone, then how can you expect things to work out?
You need to be able to tell your significant other how you are feeling so that you can work through things, rather than just shutting down.
If this is not something that you can do, then you need to try and work on that so that you can open yourself up to someone else and to have the best shot at having a successful relationship.
4. Your feeling pressured to date someone
If people are pressuring you into liking someone or with being with someone, and your just kind of going for it because you don't want to argue with them, then that is most defiantly a sign that you are not ready for a relationship.
If you feel like you have an obligation or need to do something just because others, or even the potential person of interest, are making you feel that way, then take a step back and make sure it is what you want and not just what they want.
5. Your still not over your ex
You will not be able to fully give yourself to someone else if you can't get over your last relationship.
Maybe you just need time to get over it, but regardless of the situation, it is rarely a good idea to start something new with someone else if you still aren't over the last person.
6. You have trust issues
If you don't have trust, then you don't have anything.
Trust is they key to any relationships success, so if you don't have that then you need to re think about whom you are about to be in a relationship with.
7. Your too immature
If you act like a child still and are making bad choices, then you may not be ready for a relationship.
No one wants to date someone that acts like a child, so if you are constantly realizing that you are making bad decisions and are acting immature, then you need to learn responsibility, because relationships depends on that.
8. You would rather be by yourself
This one is simple.
If you would rather be alone and do things by yourself, instead of being with someone else, then take some you time and hold off on a relationship for a bit.