If you're lucky (and smart), you decided to spend your college years in the beautiful city of Chicago. While life in the Windy City can be rough and stressful at times, you're always glad that you chose to be a Loyola Rambler. Here are some signs that you go to the great university that is Loyola Chicago.
1. You dislike DePaul, and you're not really sure why
While their location is nice, we all know it's cooler by the lake.
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2. Seeing Sister Jean on campus is like spotting a celebrity
TBH, she's so much better than any celebrity.
3. You wonder where your tuition money is going
It's definitely not going to the dinning hall food...
4. You know Jesuits have the best schools
AMDG (Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam), am I right?
5. Having to stand on the crowded shuttle is your worst nightmare
Especially if you get stuck in the section that doesn't have an overhead rail to hold.
6. You try to avoid the mailroom and bookstore lines at all costs
Though every semester, you always end up back in there.
7. You know that retreats make for the best breaks away from the homework stress
If you haven't been to LUREC yet, go now!
8. Your Loyola email only works half of the time
Use the suggested link instead? Why not just make that the main link?!
9. You have to change your LUC password every six months
Even though those annoying everyday emails always clutter my mailbox, I still wait until the last second to change it.
10. You know what JFRC stands for
Whether you or your friends went there, you never stop hearing about Rome.
11. You love Fran
Basically the only reason I eat in Simpson these days is to be called "my little sun baby" by Fran and hear her great words of encouragement.
12. You're proud to be a Rambler
Even though you're not really sure what a Rambler actually is or how that connects to our mascot being a wolf, you're still a 'bler for life!