Signs You're From London, Ohio
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Signs You're From London, Ohio

It may be small, but it's still home.

Signs You're From London, Ohio

When someone mentions London, chances are that you think of England's capital situated on the river Thames. Maybe you think of the city in southwest Ontario, just north of Lake Erie. However, it's highly unlikely that you even consider London, central Ohio's tiny farming community. No matter how unknown, London, Ohio does exist and, just like any small community, there are some telltale signs of where you came from.

1. Your entire family is from London or you're a first generation Londoner. Either way, you've lived there your entire life.

Or, if you're one of the rare people who moved to London, the majority of people you know have never lived anywhere else.

2. You've taken to saying "I'm from Columbus" just so you don't have to explain that no, you're not from England.

You may have also adopted a British accent when you talk to new people so that you can convince them that you're from Europe, not central Ohio.

3. Sometimes, it blows your mind how London is such a small community, but it's still bigger than West Jefferson or Plain City.

With a population just under 10,000 people, London sweeps away West Jefferson and Plain City, which both have a population around 4,000 people.

4. Your hatred for Madison Plains continued, long after leaving high school.

Even if you weren't a huge football fan, you can't help but feel a little bit of resentment for anyone who says they went to Madison Plains High School.

5. When the new London Elementary school was built, you wondered why they decided to put it so close to the prison.

Of course, it probably had to do with money and making sure it was close to the middle and high schools. Still, though...

6. You know that London's only claim to fame is that Dick LeBeau was born and raised in the city.

Credited as being one of the greatest defensive coordinators of all time, LeBeau worked with the Cincinnati Bengals, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Tennessee Titans.

7. You're always willing to make a pit stop at Takacs Family Ice Cream during the summer.

Even though the shop was sold recently, it will never not be Takacs to us.

8. You know that the lot right next to Sheffield Veterinary Hospital can't hold a business.

First it was Frisch's Big Boy, then Perkins. For a while, it was family-owned Rothwell's. Now it's Cappy's Pizza. Speaking of which...

9. You'll argue to your dying breath that Cappy's has the best pizza.

With London's great love for Cappy's Pizza, maybe the cursed lot has finally found its match.

10. When you heard the rumors about the city turning the old London Middle School building into a college, you were equal parts confused and astounded.

But then it disappeared, never to be heard of again.

11. There was that brief blip of time when Club Soda was all anyone ever talked about.

It was a bored high school student's paradise for about a year.

12. You were so excited when Golf-A-Glo opened.

But you've probably either never been, or have only gone once.

13. A good majority of your weekend was spent at the State Theater.

$4.50 for a large popcorn?! Yes, please.

14. There was nothing better than when Taco Bell opened a location on High Street.

Not only did you no longer have to drive out to the truck stop for your taco cravings, they also consistently got your correct. You go, new Taco Bell.

15. You always look forward to the Strawberry Festival for the food, even though you know there will be a distinct lack of strawberries.

Luckily for strawberry lovers, vendors now supply at least one strawberry related item.

16. Not a day goes by that you don't hear someone announce how much they hate the town...

Because it's too small. Or there's nothing to do. Or there's no privacy because everyone knows everyone.

17. But in the end, London, Ohio will always be your home.

The clock tower is always a welcome sight after a long drive because you know you're almost back where you belong.

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