Unfortunately, there are people in this world who don't want to better you. Instead, they actually try to bring you down, whether they mean to or not. A "toxic" person or relationship can be described as behaviors that are negative, and even abusive, in some cases.
Often, these bad behaviors are learned and can be executed by a girlfriend, boyfriend, significant other, a family member or friend. While I am no expert on toxic relationships, most of these are things I have experienced or have witnessed within my friend's relationships. So, here are some signs that it is time to cut off that toxic person:
1. They make you feel bad about yourself.
This is a no brainer. If your friend makes you feel bad about yourself all the time, they are no friend. Friends are supposed to lift you up and make you feel good. It's one thing for a friend or partner to jokingly tease you, but constantly calling you ugly names? It's time to cut them off.
2. They try to control everything you do.
They say where you go, when you go, what to wear, how to spend your money, who you hang out with or talk to. Tell them to get their own life and cut them off.
3. They are manipulative.
If they do or say things to get you to do things for them, like buy them stuff, pay for their food, or give them money
4. They lie to you.
If you've caught them in a lie several times and simply can't trust them anymore, cut them off.
5. They tell other people your business.
You tell them something in confidence and they turn around and tell their friends (or even people they barely know). You can't trust them to not gossip about you.
6. They blame everything on you.
No matter what it is, they always seem to point the finger at you. Even when you didn't do anything wrong.
7. They lack any sort of empathy.
A grandparent just died and you need a shoulder to cry on? They probably won't even try to comfort you.
8. They don't respect themselves.
This doesn't apply to everyone, but if they don't respect themselves, they most likely won't respect you.
9. Your friends/family don't like them.
If your family or friends even say that someone is toxic or bad for you, they're probably right.
10. They are inconsistent.
They're only sometimes there for you or they only sometimes want to hang out with you.
11. They don't learn from their mistakes.
You call them out on their bullsh*t, they apologize, and they do it again the next week.
Cutting someone off, even if you care about them, can be a hard thing to do, but if being around them affects your mental health or self-image, do yourself a favor and cut that toxic person out of your life.