10. Avoid I-95 at all costs. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

22 Undeniable Signs You Grew Up In Connecticut

"Connecticut is a state? I thought it was just made up for Gossip Girl."- My freshman year roommate.

22 Undeniable Signs You Grew Up In Connecticut

It wasn't until I left my Connecticut home for my freshman year of college in Alabama that I realized how many stereotypes were thought toward my home state. We're categorized as a state with high taxes, rich people and celebrity New England homes. Though that may have a hint of truth to it, there are a few things you'll only know if you call Connecticut your childhood home.

1. You're either a Red Sox fan or a Yankees fan and there is NO in between. 

Here is an accurate representation of the rivalry.

2. You call a liquor store a "Packie" 

It takes you an hour to explain to someone why.

3. You probably went to a private school.

If not, your public school rivaled one.

4. You own UCONN Huskies gear. 

Because at least five people you know go to UCONN.

5. New Haven pizza is the best pizza in the nation. 

Nothing like Frank Pepe's.

6. Your first real night out probably went down at Toad's Place. 

Your first taste of college.

7. You feel like you know Elvis Duran personally. 

You could recognize his voice anywhere.

8. The only reason you come home during summer break is for Xfinity Concerts. 

Do you have a record for how many you can attend in one summer?

9. A Friday night during high school always ended in a diner. 

Athenian Diner in Middletown is my personal favorite.

10. Avoid I-95 at all costs. 

I'd rather take the Merit and that's saying a lot.

11. If you didn't drive a jeep, there were close to 20 in your high school parking lot. 

I'm guilty.

12. Fairfield Prep boys...

If you know, you know.

13. There is a "haunted house" in your town.

"The Haunting in Connecticut" and all.

14. It's called a Grinder...nothing else. 

I will never order a "sub" or "hoagie."

15. All of your field trips as a child were to an historic site. 

Peabody Museum, Essex Steam Train, Mark Twain House, Sturbridge Village... I could go on.

16. Connecticut runs on Dunkin'. 

In fact, you could probably name 3 Dunkin's within a 5 mile radius of your house.

17. "The City" is always NYC.

Just a train ride away.

18. The letters "CMT" gives you chills. 

Years before the SAT and they caused you the same amount of stress.

19. You've been to a Rock Cats game. 

Who are the Yard Goats?

20. The Hartford Whalers; in our hearts forever.

Your first love for hockey.

21. A high school "party" consisted of a bonfire. 

But these were the best nights of all.

22. You feel an obligation to go apply picking in the fall. 

Lyman's Orchard's is waiting for you.

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