Whether you are in the middle of writing a 15-page paper or drowning in reading assignments, you know what it's like to be an English major.
So while you are taking a much-needed study break, see how many of these things you find yourself doing.
1. Your body is 83% coffee, 10% carpal tunnel, and 7% eye strain
But of course when anyone asks how you are doing you just slow blink and squeak out an, "I'm fine."
2. You have a Grammarly account (or equivalent)
And when you upload your paper to check it and see all of the red lines you just kind of die inside.
3. You realize the importance of historical context
It is a power that helps you crank out so many papers that your non-English major friends fear.
4. Writer's block is the bane of your existence
There is nothing worse to you than being on the verge of writing the perfect end to an essay only to have writer's block kick in and ruin your life.
5. You know how to crank out a paper in less than three hours
And you know how to write it in a way that makes it seem like you have spent weeks thinking about it.
6. Your second home is the library
You even have a specific area that you always tend to chill in and when it's taken you just kind of look like:
7. You have an insane imagination
8. You have an eclectic taste in books
And you have read at least three books that have completely changed your life.
9. You like to read and write for fun
You tend to love anything having to do with literature.
10. You cringe at a lot of book to film adaptations
Most of the time the films can't even hold a candle to the brilliance of the book.