Every town has certain qualities and traditions that set them apart from other towns. This is especially true of the small town of Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. There are quite a few telltale signs that you're from Camp Hill, things almost all people from Camp Hill have in common.
1. You can't go anywhere without seeing someone you know.
Whether you're going to the grocery store, or all the way to Disney World, you're bound to see a fellow Camp Hill resident wherever you may be.
2. You regularly attend Camp Hill school sporting events.
We take pride in our town's talent, especially when it comes to sports. Football games, basketball games, wrestling matches, baseball games, and more are all popular places to be during the school year.
3. You've been to Roberto's.
Even though Roberto's pizza shop is a little bit sketchy, you've definitely been there. And you realize it hasn't changed in 15 plus years.
4. You know the name of everyone that lives on your block.
5. You've probably lived in Camp Hill for the majority of your life.
It seems like nobody ever leaves for good.
6. You know how to parallel park.
Parking on the street is a regular occurrence.
7. When something exciting or shocking happens around town, you know about it within an hour.
Word travels fast around here.
8. You've gotten stuck behind a garbage truck on your way to work or school.
9. Santa coming around on the firetruck in December is exciting no matter how old you are.
Everyone loves free gummy bears!
10. Attending the school musicals and plays is a must.
11. You have to stop at a stop sign every 45 seconds when driving around town.
12. You know what the stadium at Siebert Park used to look like.
13. You can walk almost anywhere in town from your house.
Schools, the grocery store, your friends house, the pool, Willow Park, a pizza place, and so much more is within walking distance of your house.
14. The first day of hunting season is basically a holiday.
The schools are closed, people take off work, it's a big deal.
15. When describing where you live, you always say "right outside of Harrisburg."
16. You classify yourself as living in one of three areas: on the North side, on the South side, or in the Country Club.
17. Whenever tragedy strikes, the whole town rallies together.
We're like a big family.
18. You've been to Cornerstone Coffeehouse.
19. You own an outrageous amount of blue and white clothing.
Go Lions!