"FOMO: Anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website." -google translate
Don't worry guys - you'll get 'em next weekend!
1. Stress eating.
When you didn't get the invite to that poppin' party so you turn to your bed and binge eat Cup Of Noodles.
2. Salvation.
When you see a post of your friends at Cheesecake Factory but you didn't go 'cause you're on a diet.
3. Obsessive refreshing of snap chat.
Just sitting there hoping to get in on the festivities by watching them via snap story.
4. Online shopping addiction.
When you're sad about missing out on the fun so you turn to retail therapy in hopes of having a well-prepared outfit for the next darty.
5. Profuse sweating.
When you realize your crush is there with that girl you hate while you're sitting home halfway through your third box of cheese itz.
6. Temporary insanity.
That brief moment where you consider going to your ex's social in your sweatpants and stealing the keg.
7. Increased sense of YOLO.
When you you throw her a like on that pic she posted from that party they didn't invite you to.
8. Panic.
The instant regret you feel about not going out once you see how lit the party turned out to be.