Being addicted to coffee is a serious problem. You have become so reliant on coffee for your survival that you can't remember what life was like without it? How did you study before? How did you take on an entire day without caffeine? All you know know is that those were dark days and as you grow older they get farther and farther away as your coffee addiction grows stronger. Perhaps the best person who can identify with this addiction is the one and only Lorelai Gilmore. Here are a few signs that you are addicted to this wondrous drink, with Lorelai to help share the struggle:
1. You have reached that point where normal ingestion of coffee won't suffice.
On those extra long days or days where you just feel extra insane, sometimes a simple cup of coffee doesn't seem like enough.
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2. You have had more than one occasion where you've consumed too much coffee.
Sometimes you've drank so much coffee that it seems as though you've reached the point of no return. Is five cups of coffee in one day acceptable? Who knows, but you've done it. More than once.
3. You get way too excited when someone offers to get you coffee.
Whether it be a waitress pouring you coffee or a friend offering to take you on a Starbucks run, you're just excited to get some more caffeine into your system.
4. You don't listen to anyone when they try and come between you and your love.
Don't tell me I have a problem, okay. Just let me live my life in my caffeine-induced world.
5. You can't start your day without it.
Before you consume your first cup of the day you're cranky and unapproachable. But after, you are a completely different person. It's almost scary.
6. It has become a permanent part of you.
Coffee is no longer a want anymore, it's a need. It's no longer an optional part of your day, it's a necessity. Everyone who knows you knows that you run on coffee and can't live a day without it. People may deter you for your one true love, but the best kinds of people are the ones that share your addiction with you.