I have heard the phrase “the world doesn’t revolve around you” more times than I would like to admit. Humans are naturally self-centered beings. We consider ourselves fairly important, we think we’re always right, and I’ll even dare to say that without consciously being aware of it, we sometimes act like our opinions, problems and lives are superior to those around us. It doesn’t mean that we are bad people or that we don’t have decent intentions; it’s our nature.
There are three things that each of us should consider as we are complaining about our problems:
- There are so many people out there that have it worse than you.
- Worrying about something will not change its outcome.
- Your struggles matter.
I realize that No. 1 and No. 3 are pretty contradictory, but hear me out.
The amazing reality of life is each of us are merely one person living in a town of thousands, in one state out of 50, in one country out of nearly 200, on one continent of seven…you get the idea. There are over 7 billion people in the world. Just take one second to think about how incredible that is. Just think, every single one of those 7 billion people have had something bad happen in their lives, and they’re worrying about that situation also. I am guilty of making bold and dramatic claims when I encounter a less than ideal situation, such as “I hate my life!,” “Could this get any worse?,” and the like. However, in the grand scheme of things, most of our problems are likely not nearly as significant as we might think them to be.
Don’t get me wrong, every single life is equally important, and we are all on this earth for a specific purpose. My point is this: failing a class or struggling with money might seem like the end of your world at this very moment, but it is not the end of the world. Ten years from now, it is highly unlikely that some of these trials we are experiencing now will even cross our minds. It is important to remember that each and every one of us are human, and we are all struggling with something. It’s hard to comprehend that there are so many people that have it so much worse off than we do. It is time that we realize and appreciate the fact that in every situation, there is something to be thankful for.
There is a verse that I’m sure most of us heard at least a handful of times, and it is Matthew 6:27- “Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” We waste so much of our time and energy worrying, and for what? There is absolutely nothing positive that worrying can do for you. Stop worrying, and grasp the fact that everything will work itself out in time. God’s got your back, and His plans always prevail. Stop trying to figure everything out for yourself.
The last thing we need to acknowledge is that while we may be just one being, who doesn’t even make up a small fraction of the population of people that live on this earth; we are significantly insignificant. You may not make up a big part of the world, but you are one of the biggest parts of the world to all the ones that love you. Your struggles are an important part of the journey you take to figure out who you want to be, and you are extremely important.