Space is quite a dangerous yet beautiful part of our existence. It is how we were created and will most likely have something to do with our demise. As our knowledge of space and science grow exponentially, one simple fact has not yet vanished; we are as much a part of the universe as the universe is a part of us.
Everything that is apart of us was once within a star, an asteroid, a planet. We know that matter cannot be created of destroyed, therefore, we know that the sum of us was once apart of something else. The universe wastes nothing, matter is constantly recycled to form new star systems and planets alike. One of the most well known pictures taken by the Hubble Telescope, depicts just that, the creation of something new. The picture is titled The Pillars of Creation, which depict something quite beautiful and magnificent, the formation of a new star system.
The pillars, as they seem to appear as, are actually gas clusters measuring a few light-years in length. This gas cluster is located approximately 7,000 light-years away from Earth in the Eagle Nebula. The gas cluster received its name based on ancient Greek mythology. It is called the 'Pillars of Creation' because it is a beautiful picture which shows us exactly how an early solar system is formed. The Gas within this cluster exceeds the amount of matter required to produce a star system, a fraction of the gas seen in the picture would be enough to form a star.
I find it very interesting how we had come up with such a wonderful title, filled with meaning, and yet also have such an impact on our perception of what surrounds us. We certainly are a sentimental species; our drive to understand why we are here will consume us, possibly forever. Luckily we know how we came to be, for some, that is all that matters. It is quite lovely how one picture could sum up how everything that is, came to be.