Over here at Lehigh Carbon Community College main campus, it is very easy to tell what season it is based on what the campus is like. In the spring time, it is very hard to find a parking space and people are buzzing around campus like it is the place to be. In the summer time, there are not many people there because who wants to take summer classes? In the fall, there are so many people filled with the hope of a brand new semester, and some are fresh to the whole college thing. But when it comes to winter, it is a completely different atmosphere compared to all of the other seasons.
1. There are barely any students to be found on campus anywhere
At this point in the semester, many students have given up hope on passing the semester and have been slapped hard in the face with the realities of college. Because of this, it is easy for the students who actually want to be there to find a parking spot for their class. In addition to the nice parking spaces, it also makes the class more enjoyable because the people that are still attending class actually want to be there (most of the time).
2. People are not riding around with their windows down, so you are not forced to listen to their music
When there is still warm weather in Pennsylvania, many of the students feel the need to drive around with their windows down and blast their music so the world can here it for some reason. So when the cooler weather hits, they tend to have their windows up and you can only hear the slight hum of music across the campus. For people who like peace and quiet, it is a very enjoyable time on campus.
3. The buildings are either overly hot or still freezing
For some reason, the people who set the temperatures of the buildings at Lehigh Carbon Community College can never get the temperature just right. Some days in certain buildings it feels like you are roasting in a furnace, whereas in some buildings it is Antartica. Most of the time, though, the buildings are only freezing for the 8am classes at least.
4. A lot of professors get cranky and lazy
As the semester is drawing to a close in the fall, most professors want the semester to come to an end already. Many of them also begin to only talk about their own personal life in class instead of actually teaching what they are supposed to. Because of this, the good students teach themselves the material out of the textbook and keep up with where the class is supposed to be in the syllabus so they are prepared for the final.
One of my favorite signs that it is about to be winter time at Lehigh Carbon Community College main campus is when you can stand at the top of the campus and look down the main walkway and see nothing but peace and no leaves on the trees. It brings such a calm and serean feeling to be in and you can just fully embrace the moment.