Sierah Catherine Joughin went missing on the night of July 19. Her body was found a few days later. Through the tears, hope, anger, love, and ultimate heartbreak of the past week, Sierah has taught us so much without saying a word.
Sierah's Government Law Every state has a link on the FBI's website that leads to their state sex offender registry. By definition, a sex offender registry is "a system in various countries designed to allow government authorities to keep track of the residence and activities of sex offenders, including those who have completed their criminal sentences." Of course, any crime that a person commits will be documented thoroughly, but what makes the sex offender registry different is that it is open to the public. The point of this is to make the general public a little bit safer. A person who has committed a crime in the past is much more likely to commit it again over a person who has not. The public has a right to know who has committed sex crimes. The public also has a right to know who has abducted other people. Here in Ohio, we don't. Sierah Joughin's abductor had abducted another young woman in the 1990s and was released from prison after only three years. No one knew. He wasn't watched closely enough. These types of people are dangerous. Can they change? Maybe. But to put people in danger and to keep them in the dark about a criminal isn't fair. We failed to protect Sierah, but we will not fail to protect the next possible victim.
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Sierah's Life Law This kind of stuff doesn't happen to people you know. It happens on the news and in stories. I didn't know Sierah very well. I met her a few times at family gatherings. I remember being jealous of her. She was beautiful and funny and everyone adored her. She was the type of person that could light up a room by walking in it. Even though I was jealous, I liked her. How could you not? When I heard the news on Saturday morning, I was furious. How could someone do something so awful to a person like Sierah? She didn't deserve this, not one bit. I have never felt such strong hatred before as I did towards her abductor. Does he deserve the worst life has to offer him? Absolutely. But me hating him didn't bring Sierah back; it didn't make what he did right--it only created more hatred and hurt. Sierrah deserves better than this. When we think about her, we should remember her beautiful smile and all of the good in life. It's easy to only see the bad and the dark, but is that really what Sierrah would want us to see? The bad isn't as important as the good, so don't make it. Love deeply, laugh often, and enjoy every second you have. Even when it's hard. If you can't do it for you, do it for Sierah.