It's been almost 3 years since I last stepped onto a blue mat with my infinities and 2 years since I felt the excitement of Friday night lights. I still think of the rush of emotions that overcame me when I looked into the crowd only to see a spotlight shining in my eyes or the thrill of winning a big game. There are times when I am glad it’s over, but mainly I miss my team and my gym more than anything. Yet, the things I’ve learned in my 10 years of cheerleading still take up a huge part of my daily life.
1. I am a perfectionist.
I can’t fight it. When I’m taking note in class everything has to be color coded and organized. After all, if you aren't perfect, the score can never be a 10/10 only a 9.9/10 which is the difference between a ring and losing.
2. I sometimes over tease my hair.
This happens at about every event I attend, I come out of the bathroom thinking I look FAB, but then my confidence is quickly destroyed when a comment is made about having Texas-sized hair.
3. I use high school chants to spell things.
Honestly awesome isn't that hard to spell but I have to say the chant every. single. time. A-W-E *clap clap* S-O-M-E *clap clap* awesome, awesome, awesome are we!
4. When I go to the gym my form is…. different.
My leg raises are always done with pointed toes and my jumping jacks hit perfect high-Vs. Honestly, everyone else just looks sloppy to me.
5. I add glitter to everything!
School project? glitter. Poster for a club? glitter. Room decor? glitter. Lotion or lotion with glitter? duh.
6. Certain songs make me sing an entire cheer mix.
Us cheerleaders all have a favorite mix. Sometimes certain songs start us off and we just have to continue with the voiceovers, transitions and even the routine. Usually, this happens in grocery stores.
7. “That convention center has great food!”
This is a phrase that is likely used when people tell me where they are from or where they are going. I’ve seen a lot of convention centers in my day, and the ones with the best snacks always stick out in my mind.
8. I’ve mastered the art of wearing lipstick.
The amount of times when all I’ve wanted was to drink something and not get lipstick all over it, has made me a pro! I can easily drink through a straw now a not get a smear of pink. Simply wrap your tongue around the straw outside of your mouth. It may look ridiculous, but it’s a talent.
9. I am probably too comfortable.
It is no secret that cheerleading can be an extremely "close" sport. When it comes to personal bubbles, I normally don't use mine.
10. I’m never tan enough.
I need to have that extra spray tan and I need to buy that tanning lotion. When there is no sun, there is a way!
11. I am jealous of everyone that still has another year left.
In the fall I usually stumble across a picture of Friday night lights and I find myself to be extremely nostalgic. I would love just one more routine or one more uniform.