The frigid air froze our tears on the way to class.
Crawling there like we're being dragged by our professors.
Pulled into the darkness.
Only there for attendance.
We sleep between classes.
Sometimes we fade during.
Tissues become a necessity.
We are in a constant NyQuil coma.
Facing the frozen breeze on our faces
Why did I come?
I wish I had a car.
I should have brought water.
The thoughts circle our minds as we have many regrets.
Up the hills.
Sitting there in class.
An overwhelming feeling comes about.
Deep inside a cough is forming.
But not just any cough.
It’s loud and obnoxious and everyone stares.
The search for water is now a panic, and the result is there is none at all.
You hold in the next cough, which is a bad idea.
A harsher one arrives.
On the attack.
Like a violent cry for a better immune system.
It roars throughout the lecture hall, and echoes within the stale silence.
You make it through the end of class and stand up feeling like your feet weigh 100 pounds.
You lug yourself back home and roll onto your bed.
Only to shortly realize you have a four page paper due the next day you have yet to start.
You stare at the wall wondering why the universe has made you into such a procrastinator.
The pressure to turn is assignments is almost as bad as my sinus pressure.
No tolerance for anything or anyone.
The gloomy vibes surround me and I cannot focus.
Unable to focus more than usual.
Not only because there are clowns on the streets.
But my body aches from constant muscle pains and defeat.
You wish there was someone to take care of you.
Where is Mom.
Where is Dad.
Alone in college.
Frequently calling and crying to your parents.
Lots of whining.
An open core of sorrow.
Dragging yourself to the tissue box.
Begging roommates to pick you up more medicine from Walmart.
Unable to move and all existence is gone.
If your roommate is sick you're screwed.
Having cough attacks together.
Living in tight quarters is a nuisance.
The germs love it, and they thrive.
The odds are not in your favor.
Friends avoid you.
Your time spent with them changes once they find out.
I don't blame them.
Who would want that pain.
Wishing you were wrapped in a blanket on the way to your 10 AM exam.
Or maybe rolling in the blanket to get there.
After a couple skipped classes.
A whole season of Netflix has been watched.
And you got most of your friends sick.
The sore throat goes away.
You start to finally feel a little better.
You're only left with the weird voice.
See you another day sickness.
Probably sooner rather than later.