So let's start this off nice and simple. Nobody likes being sick, it sucks. Whether you go to school full time or work full time you never have time to be the sick one.
I mean come on 18 credit hours, working two jobs, homework, and now I'm sick. All you want is your own bed, a couch, your collection of movies, grandmas cooking and the rest of the essentials. You don't realize you aren't prepared for school until you get sick and need your DayQuil and NyQuil handy. All you have is the chapstick and possibly tissues if you are that prepared.
Cold medicine can be expensive especially when you are on that "Broke College Student Budget", it's rough, even when you do have a job. You call your parents and they constantly ask if you are prepared if you have the right medicines, what your symptoms are, if you have been drinking fluids, THE WHOLE 9 YARDS!
Most schools have a nurse on campus but unfortunately small campus' don't, but living close has its perks. I was able to go see my own doctor and start to get better right away. Going to class while being sick sucks because they drag even longer than when you are feeling good. You go to class coughing, sneezing, the dreadful headache, just plain old feeling like you are dying. You think it's bad when you are just laying in your room, it's even worse being in a desk for hours at a time.
Being sick at school is always terrible but when you finally get better again it's the best feeling in the world. Having to go to class is difficult but if you start to skip you will miss so much material that in the end it is so much worse, being excused from class helps just make sure you are able to get the work to do on your own. If you get sick at college, bundle yourself up, wear some comfy clothes, bring a blanket with you to class if you want. Try your best to get better as quick as possible and don’t be afraid to tell your friends you need to stay in this weekend because in the long run you will feel better faster if you give your body a break.