In the past few days, I've been diagnosed with the flu. The flu isn't fun for anyone, but to a college student, it's even worse. I've had the flu before, but it's so much worse not being home and having your parents take care of you. Also, being sick in college is so stressful. You're missing classes and being sick but still having to do homework isn't fun. So, here are some tips if you find yourself sick in what feels like the most stressful time of the year in college.
Let yourself rest
When you're sick, your body needs rest. I know it's important to do school work and be caught up with everything, but it's also so important to rest. Give yourself time to heal, get some sleep, and just chill.
Don't go to class
I know some people would disagree, but it goes along with letting yourself rest. Going to class while you're sick will only make you more miserable, and also make everyone else miserable. Don't get everyone else sick, just get a doctor's excuse and notes from a friend.
Take care of yourself
It's so easy to eat like trash during college, and when you're sick during college. But eating like trash while you're sick is even worse. Eat some soup, drink a lot of water.
Remember to take care of yourself! Even if you're not sick, take care of yourself!