Sick in Bed? 6 Tips for a Quick Recovery | The Odyssey Online
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Sick in Bed? 6 Tips for a Quick Recovery

Quick Recovery

Sick in Bed? 6 Tips for a Quick Recovery

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Being stuck in bed with an illness like COVID-19 is very confining because even getting up can be very uncomfortable. You may be having stomach issues, breathing issues, or just fatigue, but in any case, your life is on pause. How can you recover as quickly as possible without straining yourself? This article has you covered — here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re sick in bed.

1. Schedule a Telehealth Appointment

Once you’ve come down with something, it won’t be easy to make your way to the doctor. Depending on your symptoms, it may not even be safe for you to drive. Fortunately, with telehealth options available, you don’t have to leave your bed to get care. You can receive medical advice and treatment from your home by scheduling a virtual appointment with a healthcare professional.

Many doctors at brick-and-mortar practices offer telehealth visits, but not all of them. Even if it’s just one session, seeing an online doctor is more convenient than struggling to get to the office. Not only will you receive a proper diagnosis, you can also get any prescriptions required to alleviate your symptoms.

2. Respect Your Energy Levels

Sickness doesn’t follow your daily schedule and may very well throw it into disarray. What can you do to fix this if you’re worn out every minute of the day? The best thing to do is exactly what your body wants — nothing at all. Your body needs rest to heal, so relaxing and sleeping are the most effective things you can do right now.

Although it may be difficult, try not to push yourself to stick to your work schedule. You might feel that doing something is better than nothing, but if you respect your energy levels, you’ll recover faster. Taking a break and returning at full capacity is better than working unproductively and staying sick for longer.

3. Keep Fluids Close By

When you’re sick, your body chemistry shifts to fight the illness. Light dehydration on a normal day isn’t too much of a problem, but while you’re sick it can be more dangerous. This is especially the case if you have cold or stomach symptoms that cause you to lose fluids and electrolytes. It’s important to replenish these fluids and stay hydrated throughout the day, so keep some nearby.

Alongside drinking water, you might consider fortified solutions like Pedialyte to replenish electrolytes and minerals. Even certain sports drinks, while not as healthy, can be a good supplement if you have them on hand. Whatever your choice of beverage, it is vital that you stay hydrated at all times.

4. Get Your Groceries Delivered

Whether you don’t want to spread your sickness or just can’t get out of bed, you still need groceries. Leaving the house is out of the question, but if you can afford it, you could order them delivered there. Most delivery platforms and stores offer such a service, and there are plenty specifically geared toward it. This is a great way to get easy or pre-made meals as well so you don’t have to cook.

For a more flexible option, ask a loved one to get your groceries for you. They can take care of the important things while you rest up, and they might even cook some meals for you. Just remember that eating good, nutritious food will help make the healing process much easier.

5. Stick to Healthy and Supportive Foods

You probably won’t be cooking much at the moment, but there are helpful things to eat depending on your illness. Bland foods like white rice, boiled chicken, and toast can aid in soothing an upset stomach. For a flu or cold, supplement with simple, naturally nutrient-rich foods such as fruits and nuts. Combine this with your daily dose of electrolytic fluids to keep yourself wholly nourished.

And of course, cold sufferers should do their best to strive for the holy grail — chicken soup. Its soothing reputation is not undeserved; a bowl of chicken soup will help ease congestion. Even if it’s canned, the combination of ingredients is great for helping you feel better.

6. Take Over-The-Counter Medicines to Ease Your Symptoms

Over-the-counter medications can do wonders for relieving some of your symptoms for a bit. Take stock of what you have on hand and figure out how to take it for maximum relief. Some people may have adverse reactions to certain medications, but there is always an alternative. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are common medications for sinus pain and headaches and can be taken in tandem if done carefully.

If required, your doctor will either prescribe you something stronger than an over-the-counter drug or advise you on what to buy. Make sure to follow their professional advice over anything else and only take what you know to be safe. The right regimen can massively decrease your symptoms and speed up your recovery accordingly.

The most important thing to do right now is to give yourself the time to recuperate. You’ve likely done everything you can, so just relax and let your energy return naturally. You’ll be back to your regular, fully functioning self in no time!

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