For many college students, finals are here. We're all just barely hanging on to the study habits we have. We're ready to go home and celebrate the holidays.
Finals week makes college campuses look like The Walking Dead. We're all tired, stressed and if you're like me, sick. Sore throat, coughing, aching, sneezing, honestly convinced death is near. It's the worst and guess what, we have to stay up and study for our finals that are all conveniently placed on the same day (at least we can go home soon).
So here's what makes being sick during finals week the worst:
1. You can't stay in bed all day.
Instead of getting to stay in your nice warm bed with some soup and Netflix, you have to go out in the freezing weather to take the finals.
2. You have no motivation to study.
You're sick, so why would you want to do anything but watch Netflix?
3. You feel bad when you have to blow your nose in the middle of the final.
You're the one that everyone is looking at because you just made a ton of noise getting the tissue, and now everyone is looking at you, How can you blow your nose when everyone is looking at you?
4. Or the alternative, you forget tissues and have nothing to blow your nose with.
You have a runny nose, and as you're looking down at your test your nose starts running. But you have no tissues.
5. You start coughing in the middle of the final.
Again, everyone is looking at you. Maybe they're concerned you're dying. Or maybe they're just annoyed with how much noise you're making.
6. You forget a drink.
You start coughing, so you reach down for your drink. It's not there, so you continue coughing.
7. You need to take a drink.
You start coughing and take a drink, but your water bottle is loud. Once again, everyone is looking at you.
8. You don't want to wake up.
You're sick, had to study all night, you've only gotten four hours of sleep, and you have a 7:30 am final. Who has energy to get up that early after sleeping that little, let alone someone who is sick?
9. You just want to cry, all the time.
Okay, maybe you don't want to cry, but everyone keeps asking if you are because your eyes are watering so much.
Finals week is hard. Being sick during finals is even harder. I wish you all luck, whether you're sick or not. The end is near everyone.