Being sick in college is a trial in and of itself, but add in the fact that it's finals week and you've got yourself a recipe for disaster. I didn't think I could describe the horror in words, so here is what it feels like to be sick during finals explained through Kim K gifs.
It all starts with that one cough. You convince yourself it was just a tickle, but in the back of your mind you know this is the beginning of the end.
When people ask about finals you mention that you're sick, and everyone wants a diagnosis. Like do a look like a doctor? Or like I have time to go to a doctor?
Your stomach finally settles for a second and you can stress-eat over your study guide.
Your friend tries to get you out of your dorm, but your head and/or the rest of your body is not up for it.
You remember all of the studying you have to do and crawl back under the covers with your mountain of snotty tissues.
When everyone who has their life together hears you sniffling in the library.
And finally, you call your mom to complain about how horrible you feel.
BONUS: When finals are over and you don't feel like you're going to die.