Everyone knows once you get to college, you are basically on your own. That hard truth especially comes out when you are sick. Being sick in college means relying on yourself and a few close friends to get you the soup and medicine that you need. It also means spreading it or receiving it from the 30 other people on your floor. Being sick sucks, which is why to cheer me up here is how sickness in college is like as told by Chandler Bing.
1. When you first start getting sick
2. When you're sick in college, everything else seems to go wrong
3. When you are sick in college, it spreads like the plague.. no one is safe
4. When you show up to class wearing sweatpants and no make up, looking like you just went through hell and back
5. When you are finally in class, you could not be anymore tired
6. You are on so much medicine that sayings like this start making sense
7. How it feels coughing up mucus 32 times a day
8. When people ask me why I look so tired
You try walking all over campus when you can't breathe, and you are coughing like there is no tomorrow.
9. When you cannot stop bumping into things and knocking things over because your head feels like a bowling ball
10. When you feel so awful and going to class is so hard you contemplate dropping out
11. When you have that raspy sick voice and people start copying it
Honestly can it be any harder being sick in college?
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