Here are the musings of a sick, tired college student.
It's officially been an entire month since I first got sick. On Feb. 2, I woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose and sat at the dining hall with my friends who watched me incessantly blow my nose and down caffeine-free tea.
Fast forward a month later, and I'm sitting in a gorgeous house in the mountains on a weekend retreat with a group from school. As I sit here, I'm still sniffling with a slightly sore throat.
This past week, I slept in a sleeping bag on my bare mattress because I was too exhausted to put my newly cleaned sheets back on the bed.
I almost skipped my 9:30 a.m. class Tuesday because I felt that I could not physically get up.
I went for two runs during the week, but each time I wanted to pass out because I could barely breathe.
This is getting sick in college.
Of course, I'm dramatizing the experience just a little for the sake of empathy, but the sentiments are still there. I'm sick, exhausted and spring break is a week away. I know I can do it, but right now I have two papers to write, a project to research and a big quiz to study for.
College isn't all glamor. College is learning how to take care of yourself.
I shouldn't have gone out with friends last Thursday. I shouldn't be sleeping so much. I shouldn't even really be in the mountains right now.
But college is learning how to take care of yourself.
It's all about balance. It's about learning how to get sick and nurse yourself back to health but also staying focused on school. It's about those late nights laughing with friends and getting into crazy experiences 2 a.m. on a Friday.
There's really no moral to the story, I just needed to document how I've been sick for a whole month now.
Hopefully, this sickness goes away before spring break.
And to all the students who feel like they're crawling towards the finish line, you're so close.