There is no relationship that is more unique than having a sibling, especially when that sibling is close to you in age. My familial dynamic is very unique as it consists of two triplet brothers and nine other step siblings, all of whom I am close with in age. I think it is so much fun having so many siblings because there is never a time when I am bored or lonely. Every family dinner is a hilarious and entertaining event.
The only relationship that I feel could emulate that of a siblings dynamic would be that of Lilo and Stitch. Their hit Disney Channel series has transcended generations with the common message that "Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind.” I can confidently tell you that on both sides of my big crazy family, nobody EVER gets left behind. Find out if Lilo and Stitch describe the relationship you have with your brothers or sisters involving the good, the bad, the ugly, and the cute.
When your older sibling picks up a new hobby and you aspire to be just like them.

When you’re dragged to the grocery store with your parents but take turns convincing them to let you wait outside.

If someone ever says something bad about your brother or sister in any way shape or form.

When you’re fighting with your sibling, but your Mom tells you the two of you need to have quality time together.

When your Mom moves the couches in the living room so she can vacuum, but all it means to you crazy kids is DANCE PARTY.

Making your younger siblings get you food and telling them “I’ll time you!” so they do it as quickly as possible.
When your little brother isn’t annoying you and is actually really cute.
When your sibling comes home drunk for the first time so you hide them from your parents and make them food.
When every single thing your sibling does, even breathing, is constantly annoying you.
When you get really mad and say something you don’t mean to your sibling.
When you immediately feel horrible about what you said and say sorry repeatedly and meaningfully.
When your brother thinks its okay to eat all of your food before you even get to have a bite.
When you trust your older sister to get you out of trouble after your parents catch you for breaking something in the house.
Thinking of your younger sibling as so immature that they are now the family pet.
Needing someone to talk to that you know you can trust, no matter what is about.
When you need to gang up on your parents together to get that trampoline that you’ve been asking for since 2010.
Making your sibling come out with you even when they’re older and don’t think that partying is fun anymore.
Watching something you guys did go terribly wrong and looking at each other deciding who will be the easiest to blame.
Trying to get your mom to take your side when you are fighting with your brother and sister (but eventually accepting defeat).
Always having someone to play around with.
Always having someone that can make you happy like no one else can.
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