Dear Siblings (or more appropriately, My Best Friends),
No matter how many times we neatly unpack your dorm room and drive away watching you wave behind us, it never gets easier to leave you at school. I will always cry when we have to be apart because we are forced to do life separately for the first time in 18 years. I love my built in best friend, and you're always my first choice for crazy antics, so what am I supposed to do now?
Who am I going to use my buy-one-get-one free meal coupons with? Who is going to buy me ice cream when I don't feel well? Who is going to be so mean to me that I want to kill them, but then tell me they're watching a movie, so of course all is forgiven?
As the weeks pass it will get easier, but then Thanksgiving will arrive just in time to remind me how much I miss you. I will power through until Christmas where we will relive the good old days for a few short week and life will be as it should be. Then again, another tear-filled goodbye for your second semester-- it still doesn't get any easier.
When you get back for the summer, I will hear of all your adventures and memories, but for the first time they are memories without me. Each time you arrive home you are more and more of an adult and it blows my mind. You have inside jokes that I'm no longer a part of, but that's even more reason for us to make some more. Don't forget about your family in all the amazing things that you do.
Please know that I love you and think about you all the time, and a FaceTime call is not meant to annoy you -- I just miss you. No one could ever replace you, so come home quickly!
Your Best Friend Since Birth