I'm five years older than my oldest sister, Claire, seven years older than my sister Ava, and nine years older than my little brother, Isaac.
I love my siblings unconditionally, they are my best friends, and I even wrote an article titled "The Age Gap Between My Siblings Is The Greatest Blessing." It really is and I wouldn't trade this age gap for anything.
But, there are a few things they don't tell you about the age gap.
They don't tell you how hard it is when all you want to do is vent to your siblings about your problems, but they just don't understand and they probably shouldn't understand.
They don't tell you about the guilt you feel when you spend a night out with your friends instead of going to your little brother's football game.
You don't get to experience high school with your siblings like your best friends did.
They don't tell you how hard it is to leave your siblings for college, knowing all of their life that you're going to miss out on.
They don't tell you that FaceTime just isn't the same as seeing them in person.
They don't tell you how much your heart breaks when your little brother won't hold your hand in public because he's "afraid people might think you're his mom."
They don't tell you how much you actually will miss giving them rides or fighting with them.
They don't tell you how hard it is to see them cry over little things when you know they're going to experience much harder things in life and cry a lot harder.
They don't tell you how much your heart breaks when you leave and your brother won't let go.
I always say my siblings keep me young, and they really do. I wouldn't change this for the world.
But the fact is, we are at such different points in life. Sometimes it's hard to relate to them and sometimes it's so hard to grow up when they haven't even started yet.
So, Claire, Ava and Isaac, I'm sorry if you miss me and I'm sorry if sometimes I seem upset around you. I'm not upset at you, but it upsets me that we don't get to experience more of life right next to each other. But, I know that no matter where life takes us, we'll always share the same home and a bond that's unbreakable.