What is the US government shutdown? | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Actually Care About The Government Shutdown

The many reasons why you should care!

Why You Should Actually Care About The Government Shutdown

The U.S. government officially shut down at midnight of December 22, 2018. It has officially been 32 days today; which makes it the longest shutdown in United States history. As I have been discussing this with my friends, I have realized that many college students have not been heavily following this event. After questioning them about it, it is believed by some that it does not affect them heavily. I don't know about other college students or young adults, but this shutdown affects me just as much as the next person.

I may not be one of the 800,000 federal workers who isn't being paid, but I am a tax-paying citizen who cannot look forward to my refund as of this moment. I am a student who has family members that have received their last SNAP benefits on January 20, 2018, until the government is reopened. Last but not least, I am a student who relies on financial aid to pay for college. That could be affected if Trump is serious about his willingness to keep the government shutdown for months and even years.

There are students who are actually homeless and cannot provide food for themselves. SNAP benefits are extremely important to them. This shutdown is affecting people from various walks of life and circumstances. I don't think that any of this is necessary.

This is not a discussion about which political party you follow or who you voted for. The facts are that more than 800,000 federal employees are not being paid and are now being forced to show up to work without pay. Because federal workers are not allowed to strike without simply being fired, they must basically work for free.

I just find it baffling that this is mainly over a wall. Maybe I understand the purpose of the wall incorrectly, but this wall won't even be that helpful for this country. It won't stop drugs from being imported because the drugs and contraband are brought in through other ways. It is proven that immigrants commit the least amount of crime, so this wall won't be eliminating crime.

Why do we desperately need this wall then? Why is not providing the funding for this wall considered a state of emergency for the country? Why is this wall more important than federal workers being able to pay their mortgages, bills, or feed their families?

I originally thought this shutdown was not that serious and would only last a couple of days, but it is clear that this is not a joke. This is a very scary time in our nation, and people need to reorganize their priorities; with a wall being last!

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