News flash: We’re all human.
Everyone makes mistakes and learns from them. What may seem like a promising idea at the time could end horribly wrong. But sometimes these “mistakes” lead a person to discover their truths. Although you might not like it, it’s a part of who these people are and they deserve to live their lives happily. However, we collectively ought to remember that in some countries people are killed for believing differently than the law requires them to.
In Saudi Arabia, women can't show their hair in public and have to rely on men to take them anywhere. The same applies to other countries practicing Shariah law. If a woman is seen in public without a hijab, she receives death threats from the government.
Men and women all over the globe are being killed all over the globe for being transgender &/or homosexual. Some are forced to marry someone of the opposite sex to avoid being shamed for their sexuality. Instead of being their true selves and happy, they have to be trapped in a lie that may eventually push them to suicide.
Every day, men and women die sacrificing their lives to protect ours. Between police officers, firemen, our Armed Forces, and other civil rights activists, we would have it a hell of a lot worse if it weren't for them. Thank you to all for your service.
The United States isn't perfect, but it sure is a hell of a lot better than some other countries. Sure the administration may be intimidating in these regards (among others), but the Supreme Court has legalized same sex marriage nationwide, oral contraceptives are covered by most insurance companies, women can drive, vote, work and do other things that they would not be able to in other countries.
America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Sure some people do things that we don't like but it's who they are. If they aren't doing anything that puts themselves &/or others in danger, why should you get yourself involved in their business? The government isn't bringing them down like in other countries, their fellow colleagues are.
We are all entitled to living our lives to the fullest and doing things that may sometimes feel unnatural. But things might feel more comfortable if we all supported each other and minded our own damn business. The shit we're mad about now will soon be irrelevant later.
So go ahead, make your best mistake. Live your life to the fullest. You're lucky you still have one.