I can almost guarantee that the title of this article sparked some kind of feeling. If you're someone who has experience racism, you are probably angered. If you are someone who is racist, you probably read it in a tone that put you on a pedestal. If you're someone that is tired of people being labeled differently, you probably felt confused.
What if I told you that you're all wrong?
America needs to stop talking about racism.
We see it on the news almost every day. From the cop that shot someone innocent all the way to the other end of the spectrum of a gang violence. The media broadcasts these items like it is something to be proud of. Now I understand that is not their intent. However, if that is all we talk about, how are supposed to change?
See when I was growing up, nobody talked about racism around me. My parents treated everyone the same. My friends at school didn't understand the difference between white and black until we hit a certain age. We learned in our first grade classes about slavery and how America has made great strides. Then we hit high school and see on television and social media that world is cruel.
I'm not saying to cover up the story. What has happened is not right. But we cannot only focus on the negative of what is going on because we will then never see the progress. We will never see the change. We will never be part of the change.
In the future, I would like my kids to listen to the news and understand that there are bad people. Bad people are not associated with color. Their heart is. I would like my kids to listen to the news and understand that there are good people. Good people not associated with color. Their heart is.
When we broadcast a movement about "Black Pride" or "White Pride," we are all acting against those of a different descent. There is nothing wrong with being proud of where you come from, or for feeling honored to have such amazing people in history fighting for your future and your life. But when did this "pride" include tearing down others of a different background?
Why can't all lives matter?
This world is not supposed to be a game of tug-of-war between different races. At some point, someone has to cave, or the rope will break. And in either of those cases, nobody can grow or learn. We will all be stuck, sitting there. In the same spot. Making no progress. Put the rope down.
Right now, the media seems to associate all good and bad things with color. And the only way to stop it?
Stop talking about.
Stop talking about racism like there has been no change. Stop talking about racism.
People of color need to no longer assume all cops are bad, or that those whom are not of color believe they are superior. The only reason children will grow up thinking that is because that is what they will hear. From those of colored descent and those whom are not.
People who are not colored need to not shelter their children. They need to let them understand that there are many people in this world and the color of your skin does not matter. The words that come out of their mouths do.
But the same thing can be said for those of color.
It can be said for everyone.
If you don't stop talking about racism, it will not go away.
It can't, because you won't let it.