Shriner's Hospital For Children is a nonprofit health care provider that provides world class care to children with unique health cases. Shriner's will not turn down patients or their families for their inability to pay.
Shriner's was introduced to me and my family around 1999. I was around 2 years old at the time, and my orthopedic doctor recommend Shriner's to my family due to the fact he believed my case would be a unique and expensive one.
I was born with one leg longer than the other. So, my family and I went to Shriner's Hospital in Greenville, South Carolina. They welcomed us with open arms, and Shriner's quickly became my second home.
At the age of 6, I had my first surgery. My right leg was about 4 inches longer than my left at this point in my life. Going into surgery can be quite intimidating for an adult, much less a 6 year old child. My doctors and nurses always made sure I was as comfortable as possible. The atmosphere at Shriner's is something that is hard to put into words... but one thing is for sure, it definitely does not feel like a hospital. My surgery was successful, and even at this young of an age, the care I received impacted me. Little did I know it would shape my future.
Throughout the years, I made two trips to Shriner's a year. These trips included me having x-rays to monitor bone growth, and to check for any abnormalities that may come up. Each and every time, Shriner's provided me and my family with top notch care. They made sure my parents were taken care of as well. All the while never charging us a dime.
As much as Shriner's had impacted me up to this point, it made an even bigger impression on my life in 2012. The journey I started then changed my life forever.
My doctor approached my family and I about having a procedure known as limb lengthening done. At this point, there was about a two inch difference in my legs. This noticeable and manageable difference really didn't decrease my quality of life, but at some point it could cause problems. This surgery would be risky, painful, and there was a chance my leg might not heal back. This was a lot to take in being a freshman in high school.
After months of prayer and research, I decided to take the plunge and have the surgery done. I was introduced to a different surgeon at Shriner's who immediately treated me as if I was his own child.
On June 25, 2012 I had my lengthening done. . My leg was broken, and six rods will were drilled through it. I would then "stretch" the bone out. My healing was estimated to last about 6 months. However, it took 23 months. During these 23 months, I faced many challenges.
1. For the first 4 months, I was on a walker, and had to put very little pressure on my leg.
2. I had to clean my wound sites every day twice a day.
3. I suddenly went from seeing my friends every day at high school to being homebound.
4. My fixator (the device used to support my bone and lengthen my leg) was defective.
5. I could only wear certain pants and shoes
6. I could only sleep in certain positions.
In all reality these little things were just bumps in the road. After about 18 months, I decided to have a optional surgery done, in which bone from my hip would be used to help promote bone growth in my leg. My surgeon told me that if I had not opted to have this surgery done, my leg would of never healed. Thankfully, this surgery is what helped my leg heal successfully.
Throughout those 23 months, my whole outlook on life changed. The funny thing is, I did not really understand just how much until after those 23 months were over. I missed out on two years of high school, two years of wonderful memories that could of been made. However, I really did gain a lot more than I lost.
I now enjoy the little things. I see just how much we all take for granted. I see that every journey is totally worth it. That when we are going through hard times, we are just growing into better people. The scars on my legs are just reminders to keep pushing on. Even when you are at your lowest you will make it out okay. When you think everything is going great and you are on Cloud 9, take it all in. Enjoy it.
Also, as I rapidly approach my goal of becoming a nurse. I will know what it is like to be on both sides of the bed. I will be able to connect with my patients in ways other people can't. I know the impact a smile can have on a patient's day.
As for my care team at Shriner's, they all still stay in touch with me and my family. They encourage me in all that I do. I would try and say "thank you", but those two little words will never ever be enough.
I hope I can make as big of an impact on my patients' lives as they did on mine.