Ugh, it is the absolute worst when a TV show that you loved and devoutly followed turns bad.
It is especially upsetting because it is hard seeing a show with so much potential and a solid beginning go bad.
Come on, we all know at least one of two shows that you were so excited to watch every week, only to be disappointed episode after episode. Then you are just stuck sitting there trying wondering if it is even worth continuing to watch it.
Some shows simply just run out of steam/ideas, get repetitive, or lose a main lead.
Whatever the reason, these are 10 TV shows that started off great but got worse.
P.S There are some spoilers, so read with caution!
1. Grey's Anatomy
This show, like many on this list, had a large audience that was really devoted to the show. So, when popular characters were continuously killed off, people were not too happy.
They tried to keep their rating up by doing odd things such as having seemingly random musical episodes, and just killing off even more people.
I mean it is a show that takes place in a hospital, but goodness, how many main characters does it take to leave, before they realize that they need to end the show?
2. Pretty Little Liars
Pretty Little Liars
This show had a solid couple beginning seasons, but after "A" was revealed the show went down hill from there.
The writers kept dragging things out and making random plots that never got looked at again. It honestly seemed like they were just trying to keep people interested, while not realizing the train wreck they were creating.
Some shows, like this one, simply need to know when the gig is up. You've solved the big plot line in the show, now just wrap it. For example, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones are both examples of amazing shows that knew when it was time to come to an end, before things got too repetitive.
3. The Walking Dead
This one in particular is very upsetting to me because The Walking Dead had a fabulous beginning. There was so much that the writers could work with and for the first three to four seasons they did explore a lot of that material. However, the storyline did keep getting repetitive though.
The reoccurring conflict would be with some other group that had a main villain, such as the Governor and Negan, to try and show the viewers time and time again that humans were what was to be feared, not just the zombies.
Besides the decrease in zombies though out the seasons and a recycled storyline, the show lost a good chunk of viewers after several main characters death.
4. Modern Family
At first Modern Familywas funny and fresh, but over time it seems that its best days are behind it.
It just isn't as funny as it used to be and the kids seem to old for the show now. It defiantly is not the show that has fallen the farthest from grace on this list though.
5. Lost
In the beginning Lost was loved by many, but thought the seasons things just kept getting more confusing and there was just too many questions that views had that no one could even keep up with what we knew and didn't know about the show.
The ending was the deal breaker though. I think that most people who have seen this show would agree, that the final episode was just a mess.
6. Dexter
Dexter started off so strong. It was a new idea and captured many peoples attention, but like the others on this list it had a downfall.
It just got too repetitive. It was always Dexter trying to kill a serial killer worse than him. So to try and spice things up, the writers thought 'hey lets make Deb fall in love with her brother'. Like were we supposed to think that wasn't totally random and set up so that there was an excuse for why she didn't turn him in when she found out his secret.
7. The Office
This is a beloved show by many, including me, but after Michael Scott departed the show went down hill.
The Jim and Pam storyline had been way overdone but after some new characters were brought in, things seemed to get a bit better.
The ending episode however, wasn't the best. The fact that Michael Scott returned though was what helped it scrape by.
8. American Horror Story
So this show, unlike the others, couldn't really be repetitive, due to a whole new story each season, but it still does have a downfall.
AHS's weak point happened pretty early on, depending on what you think of season 3. Some believe it to be really good, while others really disliked it. Either way, season 4 was defiantly the first season of the show that was on the weaker side and then from there it just got less and less interesting.
I personally was very into the show, but found myself feeling like it was a job to watch the show, rather than just something to do to relax. Seasons one and two though will forever be the best ones by far.
9. Glee
In the beginning Glee was somewhat of a cultural phenomenon, with its combination of singing and drama, but it did lose its momentum as it continued on.
Yes, it was getting to be kind of repetitive and the characters were getting older and graduating, but it was Cory Monteith's death that really ended it all for the show.
Obviously the show couldn't do anything about it, but it took a big toll on the views as the show tried to continue on.