In today's world, we have so many television shows and movies that bring attention to different things that are going wrong in our world. One common theme or aspect is said to be gun violence.. This could be in a bad way by showing violence or in a good way by showing how we cannot always use guns to solve our problems. Here are five different shows and movies that have been showing these aspects in the past and now.
This is Supergirl agreeing that we should have a control on gun violence.
Giphy"Supergirl" is a D.C. show that shows Kara Danvers as Supergirl. She is the cousin of Superman, so they both are basically the same. She helps those in her city and keeps them safe from any danger.
In one of their recent episodes, it shows Supergirl with her mother on a different planet, and the rest of her team here on Earth to fight someone who has taken one of their guns. Her team is stuck on whether they should use their own guns to fight him or not, and this brings in the issue of gun violence because if one keeps watching the leader of the team make the decision, from now on, the D.E.O (The Department of Extra- Normal Operations) will be using stinging guns instead of actual rifle guns.
This will be used in order to prevent any other violence that could be risen. Their decision to get rid of the guns goes hand-in-hand with how we Americans, too, should be getting rid of guns because they are harmful and hurt those around us.
One Tree Hill
"One Tree Hill" is an older show that has still been getting viewers. In one of their episodes there is a kid who is always bullied, and he is tired of it. This causes him to take out a gun and shoot. The episode goes on to show the person who he shot and how he regrets even doing it on the first place. This brings attention to gun violence in the way that those who are often hurt can also get frustrated and end up doing things they they regret.
This type of gun violence is not different; it is just caused by some other trigger. It shows how when one bullies or hurts someone so much, they can end up taking extraneous measures in order to get rid of their anger.
"Glee" is another show that is old but classic. In one of their many episodes, a kid brings a gun to school simply because she is afraid of one of her friends graduating. She does not have any plan of firing it at anyone, and she gives the gun to her teacher, accidentally fired causing others to go into hiding in fear of potentially getting shot at.
Though it was not a school shooting, the fact that a gun was even brought to school caused many problems. It potentially could have made viewers believe that when they are afraid or scared, it was OK to bring a gun to school like that.
K.C. Undercover
"K.C. Undercover" is a Disney show starring Zendaya. This is a show that many children watch in which there is actually a lot of violence. I mean think about it in every mission where K.C. goes she always has to fight the bad guns. She usually fights them using a form of a gun. This can influence children to believe that when you need to get rid of you enemies, guns are the way to go.
"Riverdale" is a newer show that many people watch, and one thing that it shows very, very often throughout all of the shows is gun violence. There have been very few episodes where there is absolutely no gun shown throughout.
In one of the episodes, it showed a whole street fight between the two sides, the Northside and Southside. Though it is an older audience that watches this show — teen to young adults — it is still affecting them because it shows that the characters are in high school and they own guns, so why can't we? It shows that we can simply fight our bullies and opponents with a gun.
The Legos Guardian of the Galaxy movie poster has a gun on it.
Marvel is a franchise with a plethora of movies, and many people watch every single one. These people also include children because who does not like superheroes? However, many of the movies made by Marvel show guns or a type of gun suit that is used when defeating the villain in the movie. There are also times where the movies poster itself includes the good guys having guns in their hands. This could also affect many people and show them that killing with a gun is OK. This could lead to influencing children to believe that guns are cool and that we all should use them.
In this case, the trigger is a simple statement, like a child saying that he wants to be like Star-Lord (who uses a gun). That being said, Marvel may use guns slightly less than other franchises, but they still use them. It makes it worse because they are one of the bigger franchises that many more people watch.
Henry Danger
"Henry Danger" is a favorite of many on Nickelodeon. It is about a kid who wanted a job and ended up being the sidekick of Captain Man, the towns superhero. In this show they fight off bad guys and make good in their city, but they fight bad guys not only with their words and body parts, but also with guns. They use laser guns, but they still have guns that can affect someone by showing them it is okay.
This would potentially show that because after they shoot and defeat the bad guy, they make a comedic comment which makes the audience laugh.
Loony Tunes
"Loony Tunes" is a old classic that many still watch for some laughter. However, the amount of gun violence in this show is quite frightening because it is very common.
In this case, the violence is part of the episodes true charm, but there is so much that it makes the viewers laugh. This could show younger viewers that having a gun and shooting it at someone is OK and it is funny. This is a show that truly goes to show how the times have truly changed. When this was made, gun violence was different than it is today, and it is starting to look like that it can only get worse from here.