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Showers Kinda Happen

This article is going to be a lot less exciting than the title suggests, but that title got you intrigued amirite?

Showers Kinda Happen


This article is going to be a lot less exciting than the title suggests, but that title got you intrigued amirite?

After staying over three separate places over the course of only less than a year, I have realized one weird thing about all of them the from D.C., Texas, to France the showers make no sense. There are few things scarier than when I am in a new place, and I have stripped down to get in the shower and then I look at the knobs and I’m just like:

Then it’s all weird because now I’m naked in a bathroom I have committed, it’s too weird to go outside and ask someone for help with how to turn the shower on so then usually I just sit in the shower like:

Then I think I will never shower and I resign to being dirty forever

But then I pull myself together, but IT’S JUST A SHOWER I CAN FIGURE THIS OUT

Let’s go over the showers I have had to deal with:

  1. This one shower in France I had to google youtube videos of to find out how to turn it on. It was by far the most confusing shower ever. See, I could get the tub faucet to work, but couldn’t figure out how to get the shower on. I tried pulling knobs, pushing nobs, randomly grabbing at things, everything. But, in order to turn it on I had to pull down on the ring around the tub faucet.
  2. The place I stayed in Washington DC was special for two reasons. First, my shower was in the corner of the room, but only surrounded by floor to ceiling bath curtain, but no tub, no glass. So, when you turned the water on it got EVERYWHERE. I spent most of the time fighting back the curtains while trying to not flood the bathroom. Second, the shower turned on with one knob- normally these go cold to warm, right? WRONG. This one would go cold to lukewarm, then keep turning to turn it off then back on (this is when things get interesting) then it is scalding hot, but not super powerful (good to prevent water from spraying into the toilet) but keep going and you get water that won’t burn your skin but is like Niagara falls on your back. This one was like a fun game.
  3. My current shower is less fun. It's a normal tub and normal water pressure. But, it is controlled by a hot and cold knob. What’s tricky about this though, is that they turn in opposite directions which means that every time I turn the water off I will accidentally turn all the hot water off and the cold water on full force and then have to turn everything back on to stop shivering. It’s a hard life I live.

If you read this whole thing CONGRATS. This is surprisingly all I have to say about showers.


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