Self-worth is everything.
The way we see ourselves shapes our entire view of our world. If we don’t love and honor ourselves how can we expect to function effectively as a person in society?
Here are some tips to help improve self-esteem. Self-care is absolutely essential to a happy life.
1. Find good friends.
Some people radiate confidence and despite having the occasional off day, they are secure and own who they are. Surround yourself with these people. When you are around this type of person, you become this type of person. The people you surround yourself have a direct impact on your happiness and emotional wellbeing. Surround yourself with people who love themselves and support you to be your best self. Confidence is contagious.
2. Set reminders.
Practice makes perfect, right? What we think we become, so fill your head and home with inspirational quotes and self-love notes. Practice reading them before bed or more realistically, before Netflix. Say them in your head when you get overwhelmed, and repeat them to your friends to inspire them (or weird them out).
3. Stop apologizing and own it.
Negative self-talk is too frequent and too socially excepted. In fact, at times it almost seems socially expected. When you show up to class without makeup, you apologize for looking “homeless” or “ratchet”. While it seems like a harmless, throwaway comment, there’s no need to ever apologize for our looks. If we don’t have time to get ready, we don’t look as good as when we do, that’s just a fact of life. Stop apologizing or explaining your appearance, and you’ll stop placing so much importance on how you look.
4. Find role models.
Pick someone. Your mom, your cousin, your favorite Starbucks barista, your celebrity crush, your favorite professor. Pick someone in your life that inspires you. Everyone has flaws, but sometimes we find someone who makes us want to be a better version of ourselves. Find someone to look up to, and use them as a source of inspiration on your bad days.
5. Remember that nobody is perfect.
So often as humans we expect perfection. If something happens in our day; if we have a bad mood, if we’re up against a challenge we can’t seem to overcome. The first person we take it out on is ourselves. Sadly, some of that might just be human nature but its also extremely harmful. Remind yourself that you have overcome worse, and you are who you are because of the challenges you have fought and dominated.
I love the quote “destroy what destroys you”, it's so true. Take on your challenges and face them head-on, while still acknowledging that a bad day doesn’t make a bad life.