It's the Fourth of July and you know what that means: it's time to show your American pride. It's the one day a year that we can display how much we love our country, and with the bumpy year that we have had in 2016, it's important for us to all stand together. So, here are 10 ways that you can show off your pride this Independence Day.
1. Put a simple American flag sticker on the back of your car.
Stickers usually cost no more than two dollars, and it's an easy way to show that you love your country. If you're scared of it being permanent or damaging your car, you can use reversible tape and stick it on the inside of your rear view window.
2. Make a patriotic fruit salad.
All you need for this is a bunch of berries like strawberries, blueberries and blackberries, and some whipped cream. Just mix all of the fruit together and top it off with your cream and voila, you instantly have a patriotic (and delicious) little snack.
3. Buy one of the classic Old Navy flag shirts.
Old Navy stores have sold their super comfortable shirts with a flag and the year on them for as long as I can remember. They're usually pretty cheap and they're soft, so that when you get a sunburn from laying out by the pool, you'll be able to relax in comfort.
4. Buy an American flag for the outside of your house.
What better way to say it's the Fourth of July than to display a flag in your front yard?
5. Have a street party with your neighbors.
Whether you want to have fireworks, a pool party or a barbecue, it's a great way to get your neighborhood to come together and enjoy the day of independence.
6. Say thank you to a veteran.
This seems like a no-brainer, but many don't think to do this.
7. Put the American flag as your screensaver for a day.
Now you may see this one and scoff, but I think that it's a small and nice way to display your American pride, and it doesn't even cost a penny. You may even inspire someone else to participate in the festivities.
8. Put “one for all and all for one” along with an American flag as your email signature for the day.
It's a simple touch, but it shows that your cognisant and excited for the holiday.
9. If you’re going to the beach, bring a flag or red and blue colored towels.
For anyone near the coast, a beach trip is usually a must for the Fourth of July. So why not spice up your mini getaway with a flag that you can plant in the sand or a couple of towels that display the colors of your country?
10. And make sure to wear your red, white and blue bikinis/trunks to the beach, too.
I mean, this one is just obvious.
However you decide to spend your holiday, just make sure that you are safe and having fun while celebrating the independence of our wonderful country.