My mother was a wonderful woman. She would always tell me, "Wesley, I don't care what the world says. You will always be loved by at least two people, me and Jesus. When the world shows us nothing but hate, show it love."
I'd like to believe even after she passed, I've upheld this philosophy.
I truly love. No, that's not an unfinished statement, I'm saying I truly love. I truly love those in the world, and I feel pained when I see them show hate. We were born to love, from the moments we take our first breath until the moments we take our last. Some in the world show nothing but hate, and it's so hard to watch. Evil has taken over in our world in the forms of corruption, greed, envy -- all different things that will ruin us if we let it.
So how do we fight this?
The only way to defeat hate is with love.
My mother was right, God bless her soul. When this world shows you hate, show them true love. Show them the love of Christ. Christ was truly hated by this world, enough to kill him! But he loved us enough to die. He knows we will struggle with being hated by the world, but he tells us to love anyways. John 15:18-19 says "“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." He chose us. He wanted us.
But do you want Him?