10 Things I Want My College Roommate To Know | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things I Want My College Roommate To Know

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10 Things I Want My College Roommate To Know

Dear College Roommate,

Gosh, would you look at that? A WHOLE YEAR has passed since we began living with each other. And we haven't pulled each others' hair out yet?! SCOREEEE. To be honest with you man, I wasn't so sure about moving in with you initially. I've got to say, however, that it has been one of the BEST decisions I have ever made. Not only did I gain a sweet roommate who puts up with all my craziness, but I gained a lifelong friend and I couldn't be more thankful. So here's a shout-out for making the college life that much better.

Thank you for:

1. Listening to Endless Rants

Whether I was complaining about my homework load, stress, or latest friend drama, thank you for always lending your ear and advice. Life gets hard sometimes. It was nice having you around to encourage me and let me release all my negative energy. We have the best life-chats I do have to say... and sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself!

2. Being my Study Buddy

Somehow whenever 10 o' clock rolled around, we had an unspoken agreement to congregate in the living room and get cranking down on homework. This was WAY better than going to the library. For one, I was motivated to stay focused and awake if you were too. Plus, the mood lighting (feat. your sick lava lamp), fuzzy blankets, and intermittent meme and viral video study breaks helped too.

3. Accommodating my Messiness

So I would say that we are WAY cleaner than your average college apartment or dorm... But sometimes when life is going too fast I have a tendency to rip through the apartment like a tornado. Between dance, class, working out, student news, and social events, my bedroom floor becomes more of a closet than my actual closet. Basically, it's pretty sweet that we can take turns cleaning up and switch off on chores and what not to help each other out.

4. Giving me Cooking Lessons

No, I am not joking; completely serious here! I was lucky enough to have a wonderful mother who made me delicious, home-cooked meals growing up. But now I realize it's going to take a little more than hot-pockets, pop-tarts, and easy mac to survive! Being fairly active in our dance department, it's been fun meal prepping and attempting to make nutritious meals with you (with the occasional late night brownies).

5. Having Sweet Home-Decorating Ideas

I have got to admit, I love your quirky home decor taste for our apartment! It's hysterical to watch your eagerness towards my Mom's latest cheesy holiday decoration she sent in the mail. Definitely feels more like a home with the cow mural that's on our living room wall. Personally, our welcome door signs that coordinate with the season are my favorite.

6. Living Life to the Fullest

Our most spontaneous ideas are my favorite adventures. I don't think I'll ever forget the time where we impulsively spent an afternoon setting up my new bed and mattress that arrived in the mail... and proceeded to use my old mattress to slide down our stairs like in the Princess Diary movie. If I was having a bad day, you'd make sure to turn it around from spontaneous photo shoots downtown to watching dumb movies or grabbing our fav foods.

7. Taking me Home with You

It's not a big secret that I love the beach... So having a roommate that lives a few hours away on the beach is pretty convenient! I have so enjoyed meeting your family over holiday weekends and experiencing your hometown life. Eventually, I will return the favor and you can come visit me in Wisconsin!

8. Trying Fun New Workouts

You truly are a fitness motivator. You're always giving me the latest tips from your weight-lifting class, or dance facts. We may be split 1000 miles apart this summer, but I swear you're always working out from your Snapchats. Don't you worry, I am joining ya next year.

9. Encouraging my Independence

I am back to being my confident, independent self and I have my roomie to thank for that. In you sassy and sarcastic attitude you may not realize you do it, but you have definitely encouraged me to not rely on anyone else for my happiness. You have helped me take toxic people out of my life and I finally feel free. Plus, you have a kicker sense of humor throughout it all. (especially when you cover up pictures of me and my ex-bf with hot celebrities instead)

10. Being a friend.

Awwww wow, so cliche. Who knew that two polar-opposite personalities could get along so well. The most unexpected friendship formed and I hope it lasts a lifetime. I can't wait to be back at school with you! Looking forward to everything next year has to offer- and we'll face whatever life throws at us together! Love you girl.
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