There are so many things in life that we take for granted, and having good parents is one of them. I was blessed with two of the best people in the world as my parents, and I couldn't thank God enough for that.
So, dad, this one is for you.
For all the times that you sent me to my room for having a bad attitude, the times you gave me "the look" and I automatically knew that I better stop whatever it was that I was doing, or the times I was about to be in serious trouble. The times you said my WHOLE name loud enough for me to know that what just came out of my mouth was a mistake. When you stood your ground in arguments, no matter how annoying I could be.
And for the good times too.
For the times that you have encouraged me, given me advice, and the times you've told me that you are proud of me. Having your approval and input in my life means more than anything to me.
For the times you've just simply been present in my life as my dad, and for the times to come, I know I can do anything because of who I have in my corner.
For always being willing to proofread any writing assignment that I have (including this article).
For being an example through how you live and not through your words alone. There's never been a time where your actions didn't back up what you said to me.
For being soft-spoken and kind-hearted. Through that, you have taught me to treat other people Christ-like, no matter how badly they treated me.
Most importantly, for living your life for Christ.
For being the husband that mama deserves and needs, because it shows me what I should want my husband to be like, and also teaches me not to settle until I find the guy that will earn your approval. For being the father that we needed, at every moment of our lives. For continuously showing us grace and mercy, just like God does for all of His children. You are an example of Christ to us by the way you live your life, and I am sorry for the times that I take you for granted. My life wouldn't be the same without you.
I am a better person because of you and who you are.
I love you!