Good vibes only -that’s the motto. I’m very fortunate and blessed to say that I have grown up surrounded and engulfed by beautiful souls who love and care for me so much. From them I’ve learned to accept others, how to open my heart and love hard, how to laugh loud and uncontrollably, and that everyone is beautiful in their own perfect ways. As an optimist I’m convinced that all people are born with a good heart. I always have and always will give someone the benefit of the doubt. As I’ve grown older though I’ve learned that not everyone is as positive though. There are really awful people in this world (which sucks) and I intend to avoid them at all costs. So I’m going to.
This is a shout out to every young soul with a happy heart and mind. Your positivity is so important to this world. Please keep radiating your good vibes and never ever stop. Keep dancing, laughing, smiling, singing, expressing, and loving. Remember to never dwell on the small stuff and keep your faith in humanity and God. Keep falling in love with people on first dates and making best friends out of strangers. Let your heart stay pure and when you cross paths with negativity I hope your bright soul outshines it all. Never let people forget your compassion. You were put on this Earth for a reason and while you’re celebrating that reason, help others to realize their purpose as well. Remember to forget and forgive as best as you can. Keep growing, connecting, learning, living, appreciating, and being you.
Do not tolerate those who ever make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. Avoid environments that threaten your creativity and happiness. If someone tries to hush down your laugh, laugh louder. You will be challenged in life. Please accept those challenges and allow yourself to grow from them. And more importantly whatever you do, never allow for someone or something to stop your heart from loving to its fullest capacity. Your soul is very important. Take care of it. Spoil it with positive emotions and people. You deserve good vibes and so does the world.