Finals are real and horrifying — but only if you look at them like that. This time of the semester is amazing because you're THAT much closer to being home with your family for the holidays. It's also stressful, for my students out there, because the cramming and studying for finals is real. Let's all just take a breather and acknowledge these five reasons you shouldn't be stressing for finals.
1. There are ways to organize what you need to do other than constantly worrying about it
To-do lists, sticky notes, reminders through your cell phone or laptop, prioritization lists, and the options can go on. Why stick all these stress-filled thoughts in your brain when you can get them written down and prioritize through them? You know you're going to complete everything that NEEDS to be done. Don't exert negative energy and stress when it's not necessary. You got this.
2. Visualize successÂ
The best-selling book in 2006, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne explains this concept the best. The book is based on the concept of the law of attraction. By manifesting an idea or concept of what you want, the success it will bring you and what it will be like when you receive this, the universe will make it happen. The whole book explains that a person's thoughts can change someone's life directly. Picture yourself after the exam is over; stress-free, passing with flying colors and ecstatic it's all over. It's your destiny to choose, so choose the visualization of success.
3. While you're stressing, the best memories are passing
This is for my seniors or future graduates out there. This is your (almost) last semester of your career. Wouldn't you rather be enjoying your time decorating for Christmas with your roommates? Or maybe spending time with friends you won't see over break? Obviously finals aren't something to blow off or not prepare for, that's not what I'm saying. My advice is to stop and enjoy the purpose of why you're getting your education and the special people who surround and support you. Time flies when you're too busy stressing about something you're going to complete with success.
4. You KNOW you know the information
You've been in the class for a whole semester, or year, depending on your education. All of the assignments, quizzes and tests have tested your knowledge before. This is just a final exam. Don't let the word final scare you from what you know. It's just like the other assessments you've done all semester, you got this!
5. This, too, will pass
If you're a student, it won't last forever. It's also safe to assume if you're a student, you understand there are more finals in your future. Just like everything in life, this will pass. Take finals one step at a time and because it's inevitable to get that degree or diploma. Once you're done, you're DONE. That alone is something to be extremely proud and excited for.