Looking back it’s really easy to regret dating the guy who made you feel worthless, and treated you terribly. It’s really easy to regret all of the tears you shed over him, and all the times you waited hours for him to text you back, just to get blown off. You constantly questioned how he felt, because he never bothered to take a second to tell you. At times, he made you feel disposable. He was never there when you needed him, but you were always there when he needed you. He didn’t care about your needs, wants, your ambitions, or your thoughts. He never asked about your mom, or your hometown. He upset you continuously and never once said sorry. He did not care about you. But at the time, you were blind to their behavior, and you swore you were the only one who understood him and it just look time to see the man behind the boy. You were convinced that you could change him and the only person who really understood why he was the way he was. You thought that if you stuck around, he’d love you for staying by his side no matter what. But guess what, you were wrong.
You loved him in spite of everything, even though you knew it was not right for you. You got your heart broken. You were devastated by it, by him. You held yourself together as best you could, wonder what it was that you did wrong. You questioned everything. You blamed yourself for why they treated you like shit, blamed yourself for their issues, their inadequacies.
Like I said, it’s easy to regret dating this guy.
Because as soon as you realize all of these things, it’s time you pick yourself up. It’s time you move on.
You’ll wake up one morning and even though the thoughts of them still float into your mind every now and then and the way they treated you still lingers in the back of your mind, it won’t hurt anymore.
When you date someone who treats you like shit you realize not only how you want to be treated, but how you deserve to be treated. You will no longer be the girl who shrugs off ignored text messages, and being blown off. You won’t be constantly making excuses for his behavior. You won’t be the girl who puts others before yourself. You won’t be the girl who doesn’t know her worth; instead you’ll turn into someone stronger, more self-aware. You’ll become someone who knows what they want, and more importantly what they deserve.
So, instead of looking at this experience as a negative one, instead of hating this guy for not treating you the way you deserve, look at this experience as a positive one, a growing experience. You now know exactly what it is that you don’t want from a relationship, and are one step closer to discovering the person who will treat you the way you want to be treated, and more importantly how you deserve to be treated.