At the end of every year, after all of the holiday madness is over, people get the chance to relax and reflect on the year they've had. With the new year right around the corner, everyone gets inspired for their fresh start. New Year's resolutions are made by people everywhere. Whether this is to eat healthier, work out more or just to be nicer to people, the resolutions typically involve something that allows for a new beginning. While this is all nice and motivating to think about, many people don't even stick with their resolutions. Often times we set goals for ourselves simply because it is the new year that brings that about in us, while it should be more important to you than just that.
In the past, I have made simple resolutions just for the sake of doing it. If everyone else was making resolutions, I should too, right? Well I never was actually all that good at following through with these resolutions because they didn't actually mean a great deal to me. I finally figured out that when I felt that I needed to resolve something about myself, that was something I was going to have to work at everyday. This is when I came to the conclusion that it shouldn't be a new year's resolution, it should be a new day's resolution.
While it is an inspired time of the year when many people have established that they're going to turn over a new leaf, I think we should consider the possibility of being inspired to be better than we were yesterday. Resolutions should be something that you truly care to make for yourself, rather than listening to other people telling you what you need to do. These can be the smallest goals to set for yourself each day, and I promise you that you'll notice a change. If you can find the motivation within yourself to do better than you were yesterday, imagine how many other people's lives you can impact.
So, while it is the new year and I could say something cliche like, "new year, new you", I would much rather challenge you. I challenge you to test yourself by making your new day's resolutions every single day. Don't wait until the new year to start because you can start today. I know that sounded slightly like a cheesy infomercial, but it's true. Start thinking about the person you want to be and then New Year's Eve and New Year's Day will quickly become occasions where all you have to worry about it counting down to when the ball drops. The time to start making your new day's resolutions is now.