It is so easy to feel uncertain of where the direction of your life may take you. Sometimes you might not believe that you have a direction, and you might not be prepared for the unpredictability of what is yet to come.
Despite this uncertainty, you mustn't let it distract you from what is right in front of you. Living life in the moment is one of the best ways to stop a mind from dwelling on things that are simply out of your control.
If you can focus on the here and the now, then you're future might not look so terrifying and even if it still does, at least you can distract yourself.
Distract yourself with things that make put a smile on your face, or with things that make you feel alive.
Sometimes feeling alive is even more enchanting than simple happiness.
Go swimming, write, run in the snow, read a book, see an old friend, listen to music, re-watch your favorite cult classic or visit an aquarium.
Do whatever it is that makes you feel something that is inexplicably profound. Sentience is everywhere, sometimes you just need to look a little harder and a little longer to notice or truly appreciate it.
Take risks - do something you'd never imagine you'd ever do in a million years. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and see where it takes you. Uncertainty can be such an exhilarating force that opens you up to new experiences.
Distractions can sometimes be pervasive and destructive, so create a proper balance.
Become engaged with school or work. Give it your best effort and try to remain positive. Balance can put things into perspective. You need not fret the future because what you are doing now is called living, you doing what you can to become the best version of yourself is enough.
Having faith in yourself and your abilities will greatly improve your outlook on what may be in the near or far future.
I know it is much harder to say than it is to put into motion. Trust me, I know too well. However, I also know that if you can put on front and wear the skin of a lion then eventually you'll learn the ways of the predator.
It's a cliche but so very true: you can make it if you learn to fake it. However, if you ever feel completely overwhelmed faking being okay is NOT advised. It's okay not to be at a 100 percent all the time and if need be seek out help - pretending can be such an exhausting task. Be real, but try and be positive and brave when faced with the unknown.
Whatever you do, no matter how bleak the future may seem - don't give up hope and just keep trying. That is all we can do, it might not seem to be enough but it's better nothing.
Don't become nothing simply because you're afraid of trying. Letting your fear of the future consume you prevents you from living in the moment and being your best self. It's pointless and only furthers your anxiety.