It's the end of July, which means move-in day for most colleges is about a month away. If you're going into your freshman year, then you probably feel super excited, but also pretty nervous to start this new chapter in your life (especially if you're going to be living away from home for the first time). This list is comprised of six quick, but important, reasons why freshman year will be your best year!
1. You're going to meet so many new people
You're going to be surrounded by all new people, and a million ways to make new friends. Whether it's through a class, a club, or at a party, you're bound to meet your people.
2. Everyone is looking for new friends, too
If you're nervous about meeting new people and making friends, just remember that everyone there feels the same way. Everyone is in the same boat, and looking for a friend.
3. You have more freedom than in high school
The cool thing about college, is you're treated more like an adult. Although it might be hard for some people at first, you get to manage your time how you want to and are given a lot more freedom in when you want to do your work, and even what you want to eat. You could technically survive off of cookies and ice cream (although I wouldn't recommend it).
4. Living away from home is a good experience
If you're going away to college, then this is probably your first time living away from home. Like I mentioned above, you have a lot more freedom, and can manage your time how you want to, instead of being told how to. Also, you learn how to be a little more independent, and how to take care of yourself a little better. And also how to do your laundry if you never have before.
5. You can study what you want to study
Another great thing about college is, you can study subjects you're actually interested in. If you're not interested in pursuing a career that includes chemistry or trigonometry, then you don't have to study those subjects anymore. Plus, if you're studying something you're actually interested in, you're much more likely to do better in that class.
6. Classes aren't for back to back for six hours a day
One of the best things about college classes are, they aren't back to back for long periods of time (unless you really want to, or have to, get them all done at one point in the day). For the most part, they're spread out throughout your day, and you're not stuck in a classroom learning something you don't care about for six whole hours.
Hopefully, this list helped you if you're nervous about your freshman year. Remember to have fun!