All of a sudden the new social media craze is making a finsta. For those who aren’t aware of this trend, a finsta is a “fake instagram” that people make in order to post really weird pictures that they wouldn’t post on their real instagram. These photos that are posted are normally jokes and consist of not so flattering photos from the owner of the account. Finsta accounts don’t have many followers and only exist today because of the idea that your personal instagram account needs to be aesthetically pleasing and trendy all the time.
So, with this in mind do you find yourself wishing you could let a group of 20-30 close people see your funny and ridiculous pictures on a social media platform? If so, you should make a finsta!
Now most people who have a finsta also have a regular account, but it is not necessary to have both if you truly just want to post silly things. But here are a couple things to keep in mind while you’re setting up your account:
- Make sure your account is private so that you can control who gets to see what you're posting, and also so that it is not as easy to have random people find your account.
- Give yourself a funny and reflective nickname for your handle (your account isn’t serious so don’t take this part too serious.)
- Only follow and let people follow you who are genuinely your friend because you don’t want people screenshotting your pictures and using them as blackmail.
- Have fun with it! You made an account because you’re funny and want people to laugh so don’t hold back and have a ball!
I don’t personally have a finsta, but I know plenty of people in my life who own one and love to use it. So if you’re considering making one, make sure you’re smart about it and post all the silly selfies you want!