I used to say that I hated change.
And I think we all have a little bit of that in us, a part of us that clings to the past, looks sentimentally on how things used to be, and yearns to go back. But when you really think about it, nobody wants to remain stagnant forever. In that, there is no room for personal growth.
Nowadays, I love change. I say that it's because I have a problem with commitment but I think it's also because of how exciting it is.
Whether it's a new challenge, new people, or a new shampoo brand, I love to welcome the new into my life. I certainly don't like to discard the old or the things that I'm changing, but the way I see it, there is always room to add more good in your life.
At first I was nervous to travel to Rome, go on my first vacation without my family. I had never been out of the country before, and I was anxious about all of the unknowns. How could I live in a foreign land for 10 days when I barely know how to function in America? But the change turned out to be much-needed, and certainly changed me in a positive way. I never would have known unless I did it.
As with anything in life, mindset is key to how you feel about something. If you see a new job or internship as a possibility to fail, then you will dread the change. However, if you see it as an opportunity to conquer a new challenge or learn something new, then the change can be exciting and welcoming.
Even the smallest things can add a variety into your life if you let them. Sometimes I like to try and find a new way to walk to class in the mornings, even if it may be longer than the other way, because I get sick of my old routines. Sometimes you might want to try on a style of clothing you never have before or try a food you never liked again. There are countless simple ways to start a chain reaction of change that won't be too overwhelming at first.
Because sometimes old and the comfortable sometimes just won't do anymore. The older we get, the more restless we get if we feel like our lives are just endless cycles or meaningless repetitions. Don't be afraid of what is different, embrace it.
Whether it be a new relationship, new phase of life, new home, or new opportunity, life is too full of thousands of possibilities to not want to try as many as possible. They are all learning experiences, and life's too short not to have a go at them all.
You're changing every day, you might as well change your life to go along with it.
So get out of your comfort zone, do something different, and start asking yourself "why not?" There is a new and exciting adventure in everything.