Something that mainstream America has grown used to ignoring are the facts. Actual facts that can be easily proven. The reason why is due to people not having the time to care about them. Donald Trump has turned this election into a popularity contest that’s masked as a presidential election. One that he believes he is thriving off of.
If this actually were a presidential election than a reality TV misogynistic bigoted racist wouldn’t be one of the candidates running for office. Right?
That’s where the facts come in. This presidential election year has become the time to ignore what our male candidate has disgustingly said and done while vilifying our female candidate for emails. Trump is in court with charges of raping a minor. He will probably get out of that since he has bribed a DA before. Those are facts. But Clinton and those emails! She can’t win because she’s a liar. Screw the facts!
The astronomical level of political experience between both candidates is mindboggling. Even if we were to take out gender and put both candidates up on a board and see which one is actually capable of running our country I don’t see where the facts couldn’t prove where one is obviously better than the other.
Hillary has devoted thirty years of her life to politics.
Donald Trump has made his own ego increase steadily for the past thirty years.
Hillary has actual plans to move our country forward in terms of education and the economy.
Donald Trump has no plans about anything.
Hillary Clinton, our former Secretary of State, is the only candidate with any actual knowledge on foreign politics.
Donald Trump’s knowledge on foreign political issues is attacking ISIS and “Putin is not my friend”.
Donald Trump has made it his mission to create as much hatred to spill out as possible this year. Hillary Clinton has made it her mission to talk about issues that are plaguing our country today. Our presidential election isn’t a popularity contest. We are voting for an egomaniac whom knows nothing about anything or a capable and prepared politician who lies.
I am willing to put my faith in the liar at this point. Every President before her has lied and the ones that come after her will to. Our government lies and this isn’t something that is new information. We all know it. That shouldn’t be the breaking point that keeps you away from voting for Clinton.
It took me a moment to get here. I still don’t believe in her completely but I know that I would trust Hillary Clinton with our lives a billion times over before I ever thought of Trump. We had eight years with Barack Obama and I don’t want his legacy to be destroyed and nullified just because people decided to not vote or vote third party.
The only actual candidate is willing to keep our country moving forward. If you write in another politician or stay home on voting day than you are essentially voting for Donald Trump. You should just go apologize to any person of color or woman that you know for willingly putting their lives in danger. Voting for Trump is something you will have to live with if things go horribly wrong and he ends up finding a way to win. Don’t let that be the outcome. Our future is going to be defined by this one election.