Whether you work in retail full-time, part-time, or just shop, you know many people do not treat retail workers with respect. We deal with angry customers all the time. We also deal with people who will not believe the regular, non-managerial workers knowing the store policies. Many people look down on those who work in retail, when in actuality it isn't an easy job. It takes a lot to work directly with people for eight hours a day. We deserve the same respect you would accept to receive at your own job.
I've noticed that it is mostly the older generation who do not treat retail workers with respect. I have yet to encounter a fellow millennial who gets angry and causes a loud scene when their coupon does not work on their items. The workers cannot control the company's coupons, we cannot take the $10 off no matter how much you yell at us.
Keeping the store clean and organized is one of our main concerns. We don't expect you to perfectly fold or hang every article of clothing you look at, but please do not just throw them in a ball on a random table. We know it is our job to keep things clean, but it is your friend's job to keep their houses clean. Would you just throw your clothes all over their house? Please treat the store with respect as well.
On Black Friday, please remember that these people are the reason you can get these deals at crazy hours in the morning. Please remember that they are missing an opportunity to spend a holiday with their family for you, especially if the store is open on Thanksgiving and you're shopping. So do not be rude to them if something doesn't ring up at the properly discounted price. It's just as hectic of a day for the workers as it is for you.
If you don't know somebody, don't touch them! Please do not grab our shoulder to get our attention. "Excuse me," is enough to catch our attention. Grabbing someone or yelling at them to get their attention is disrespectful. If you wouldn't want someone grabbing you at work to gain your attention, chances are they do not want that either. Also, different people have had different experiences and you never know how someone will react to being touched by a stranger. Just don't do it!
People who work in retail deserve the same amount of respect as people who work in other fields. We tend to deal with a lot that people do not think we deal with. Just treat the store and the workers with the same respect you would want others to treat you and your home.